As athletes and generally active humans, we place high demands on our bodies to engage in the sports and other activities we enjoy. The high-performance machine that is the human body requires regular maintenance to keep it in good working condition and reduce the chance of injury.
Athlete Body Shop classes address sport-specific strength, mobility, and balance with an eye towards injury prevention to keep you more “on the road” doing the activities you love — and spending less time “in the shop” nursing injuries, missing out on the best medicine there is: physical movement.
Whether you’re a runner, cyclist, swimmer, gymnast, martial artist, ballroom dancer, etc. or if you are just looking to improve your general fitness for life, the Athlete Body Shop aims to help you build a more resilient body!

Steve Trutane is an experienced triathlete and multi-sport enthusiast, going beyond swim/bike/run to include acrobatics, barefoot running, in-line skating, juggling, masters swimming, parkour & obstacle course racing, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, weightlifting, yoga and others. He’s a certified level 2
MovNat trainer, masters swim coach, and an event organizer for the
Albany Community Triathlon (since 2012) and the
Move’n’Groove (since 2022).
Having worked for 25 years in the biotech industry as a computer programmer and approaching his 6th decade, he is now turning his passion for fitness into a profession. Through the AthleteBodyShop, he brings the lessons he’s learned as a coach and a multisport athlete — coupled with PhD-level creativity and attention to detail — to help others reinforce their bodies to avoid & recover from injuries and maintain a fit & active lifestyle for the long haul.
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